
Spread the bird!

Harteman Wildfowl contributes to the global knowledge and conservation of the world's waterfowl by sharing hands-on experience and participating in ex-situ breeding programmes. 

White-winged duck, Asarcornis scutulata

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Our Baer's pochard covers the latest Aviornis magazine.


October 14th 2024 | Previously considered Vulnerable, then (2008) Endangered and more recently uplisted to highest threat category, Critically endangered, while a single species action plan has been prepared as a result. Population most recently estimated by BirdLife International at just 150–700 mature individuals and considered to be still declining. 

In aviculture numbers are uncertain for private collections; in zoological collections the global population consists over 340 specimens (August 2024). Harteman Wildfowl Aviaries actively contributes to the conservation of Baer's pochards by collaborating with EAZA's Ex-situ programme. In October 2024 our experiences have been published in the Aviornis International magazine, thoughout Europe, with one of our males at the front cover. 

You can read the full article at this page, including additional features such as videos and close-up photos. You can download the original article here

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