
Spread the bird!

Harteman Wildfowl contributes to the global knowledge and conservation of the world's waterfowl by sharing hands-on experience and participating in ex-situ breeding programmes. 

White-winged duck, Asarcornis scutulata

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IUCN Commission Statement on the role of botanic gardens, aquariums, and zoos in species conservation


The IUCN Species Survival Commission (SSC) recognises that botanic gardens, aquariums and zoos are not the only types of institutions that manage animals, fungi and plants ex situ. However, while botanic gardens, aquariums and zoos can, and do, contribute significantly to species conservation, this role is often under-valued, underrecognised and misunderstood. 


Read more:
IUCN Species Survival Commission acknowledges vital contributions of Botanic Gardens, Aquariums, and Zoos to wildlife conservation.

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