
Spread the bird!

Harteman Wildfowl contributes to the global knowledge and conservation of the world's waterfowl by sharing hands-on experience and participating in ex-situ breeding programmes. 

White-winged duck, Asarcornis scutulata

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Our Madagascar teal covers the latest Aviornis magazine.


February 5th 2022 | The conservation status of the Madagascar teal is endangered, yet little is known about its actual population. The species seems never to have been numerous and was virtually unknown until 1970s, despite being apparently being widespread across entire island based on subfossil deposits. 

In aviculture numbers are uncertain for private collections; in zoological collections the global population consists over 300 specimens (October 2024). Harteman Wildfowl Aviaries actively contributes to the conservation of Madagascar teal by collaborating with EAZA's Ex-situ programme.

You can download the original (Dutch) article here. An English version, including additional features such as photos and videos, you can read here.

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